Mid-Grade Novels
A Saucer Full Of Secrets
Alban the cat couldn’t have known how his life would turn out as he lay abandoned in the snow that winter. But from the moment Sedu, a twelve-year-old foundling rescued him, it’s been a whirlwind of magic and adventure!
A Saucer Full Of Secrets is also available from all major online book retailers.

Cold Call
Cold Call tells how the earth has found its own voice; it’s reacting against pollution and is sending instructions for the damage to be repaired.

Legacy of Lyonesse
‘Legacy of Lyonesse’ is an alternate history in triple timeframes, it follows events in a single family from the Middles Ages through to the present day. It starts with an ancient catastrophe, threads through regal plotting by Charles II and finishes with the solution to murder mysteries and the discovery of a possible source of infinite energy, linking ancient and modern.
Future publication

Breath of Beelzebub
During the summer holidays, Ross is staying in the New Forest with his Auntie Phlip, a dress designer who was a bit of a protestor in her day. Part of the forest environment is threatened by plans to extend the regional airport. Ross and Stoke are pestered by dragonflies, the local landowner, Lord M, has a theory that the odonata possess a collective memory of the earth since the time of the dinosaurs. The housekeeper’s daughter, Reggie, is helping Lord M with research into the fact or fiction of the spirit of the woods, The Green Man. Local folklore says that if the forest is not respected and cared for, the trees will withdraw their bounty and leave the forest lifeless, apparently put down to the work of the devil. Auntie Phlip is kidnapped after trying to stir up support against the airport developer, whom she had known as a young woman. The Green Man is sighted, the trees drop their leaves, a conspiracy perpetrated by the developer is uncovered and he is haunted by the spirit of the trees.
Future publication

Vulcan’s Voice
Ross should be using the autumn half-term break to study for his mock GCSE’s, but the voice is back again. The voice he’d heard a few years ago when the snow had come with a vengeance. Now the vengeance is real. The world didn’t listen well to that last warning. Nothing happens anywhere without some incidence of violence or confrontation, which inevitably impacts on the environment. The spirit of the earth doesn’t like it.
In Ross’ home town a fight breaks out in the Market Square over a ridiculously trivial issue relating to refuse collection. Raised voices and hot tempers are immediately quelled when spontaneous jets of fire shoot up through the paving, like someone had lit a gas burner underneath. Word spreads and these jets of fire are experienced all over the country, then all over the world. Scientists can only hypothesise fearing that the fires are a new manifestation of climate change.
Ross is drawn to the high downs above the town and meets a strange old man whose face is oddly familiar. He calls Stoke his little friend, so the dog knows exactly who he is. (Ref: Cold Call). He calls himself Prof Archibald Goodman and proves to Ross that the fire jets are only apparent within urban areas; outside the towns all is calm. The world has to learn how to douse the fires and, with Goodman’s help, Ross has to find a way to teach them.
Future publication